Welcome to Chiangmai Elephant Land

Giving Life & Land Back to Thailands Elephants

The life of an elephant in modern Thailand can be difficult. Too many are still employed in unwelcome practices that damage their welfare, such as performing circus-style tricks, walking on roads, or working in heavy industry. Others are victims from the loss of their natural habitat to increasing farming.

At Chiangmai Elephant Land (CMEL) we work with the local community to provide a better life for elephants by giving them ideal land on which to roam. Our sanctuary has many square kilometers of forests where the elephants can behave naturally. This includes foragaging for the wide variety of foods comprising their natural diet, and a beautiful waterfall and river in which they can bathe and enjoy a relaxing mud spa!

Since 2017, CMEL has rehabilitated many mistreated Elephants from Northern Thailand. Each elephant has followed a different journey, some have moved to pastures new, some remain, but all have benefited from their time at our refuge. Help us to continue rehabilitating these beautiful animals by visiting our jungle sancturay today!

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